Credit Card Payments from the Staff Client

The staff member selects the charges in the patron's account, selects Pay, and selects Credit Card as the payment method. The fine amount is displayed, and the staff member selects Submit.The system creates Store Order, Store Transaction, and Store Details entries within the Pending status; sends the request to the e-commerce gateway provider; and sends a query result request to the payment gateway provider. The staff member swipes the credit card through the card reader attached to the workstation. When the credit card is authorized, the system notifies the payment gateway provider that the transaction is finished, the Store Order is updated to a Complete status, the Store Transaction is updated to a Success status, and the patron account is updated. A confirmation message is displayed, and a receipt is generated as with any other payment method.

Staff members require the Fines: Allow credit card payments to accept credit card payments and Fines: Allow refunds to process refunds.

Possible error messages:

For instructions on setting up one of the e-Commerce gateways that can process credit card payments from the Polaris staff client, Leap, ExpressCheck, PowerPAC, and MobilePAC, see the topic for the gateway your library will use:

EnvisionWare and Comprise are the only payment gateways for credit card payments from Leap.