Cancel hold requests

When you cancel a hold request, items can no longer fill the request. However, the request remains in the Polaris database and visible on workforms. For recordkeeping purposes, you might choose to cancel rather than delete a request. Also, if a patron decides she wants a title after all, you can easily reactivate the canceled request (see Reactivate hold requests). You can manually cancel requests that are Active, Inactive, Pending, Not-supplied, or Shipped.

To cancel holds that have the status Shipped, the option must be enabled on your system. For more information, see Hold Options Dialog Box - Staff Client and PAC Tab.

To cancel one or more hold requests:

You can also display the hold requests in the Patron Status workform - Holds view or the Holds Queue workform. Right-click the requests in the list, and select Cancel Hold from the context menu. In the Hold Request workform, you can select Tools, Cancel or click the Cancel button. In a Bibliographic or Item Record workform, select Links, All Hold Requests, right-click the request in the Linked Hold Requests dialog box, and select Cancel from the context menu.

  1. Select Circulation, Request Manager from the Polaris Shortcut Bar.

The Request Manager workform - Hold Requests view appears.

  1. Select a library in the Branch name box and one of the following options in the By box, according to the requests you want to display:
    • Item - Displays requests for items that are owned by the selected library
    • Patron - Displays requests for patrons who are registered at the selected library
    • Pickup - Displays requests to be picked up at the selected library
  2. Select a hold request status in the Status box.

You can cancel requests that are active, inactive, pending, not-supplied, or shipped.

  1. Select the requests to cancel.
  2. Click the Cancel button above the Requests list or press CTRL+L.

The requests are no longer displayed because their status has changed to cancelled.

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