Process Individual Borrow by Mail Items

To process an individual Borrow by Mail item when the item is trapped An item is said to be trapped for a hold when an item that fills a request is scanned at circulation and the system links the item to a specific request, either automatically or by displaying a message that prompts you for a decision. at check in:

  1. During check-in, when a message informs you that the item satisfies a hold, indicate that you want to hold the item (see Do a normal check-in from the Check In workform).

The item status changes to Held. Your library may display an additional message indicating that the item fills a Borrow by Mail Request. Click OK.

  1. Select Circulation, Request Manager from the Polaris Shortcut Bar.

The Request Manager workform - Hold Requests view appears.

  1. Select your branch (the processing center) in the Branch name box, and select Pickup in the By box.
  2. Select Held in the Status box.

In the list of Held items, Borrow by Mail requests are marked by a  package icon iconBBM00109.gif. Item-level Borrow by Mail requests are marked by the package icon with the letter I iconItemBBM00110.gif.

  1. To print a checklist of the items to be mailed, select the Borrow by Mail items and click BBMPrintChecklist00112.gif above the Requests list.

The checklist is available for Shipped, Held, and Out requests.

If your postal meter generates package tracking numbers, you can note them or stick them on the checklist. Later, you can enter the tracking numbers in the Tracking field on the appropriate Hold Request workforms.

  1. Check out the Borrow by Mail item to the requesting patron as follows:
  2. Select the item.
  3. Click BBMBulkIcon00114.gif above the Requests list, or right-click and select Bulk Check Out on the context menu.

If an extended loan period has been set for Borrow by Mail items, the due date is calculated with the extended loan period. If a fee has been set for Borrow by Mail processing, the appropriate fee is charged to the respective patron accounts. The system uses the processing center's settings for the loan period and fee. When the items are checked out, the request status changes to Out and they can be listed in the Request Manager by the Out status.

If you check out a Borrow by Mail item to the requesting patron from the normal Check Out workform or the Patron Status workform, no extended loan period or fee applies.

Blocks for held items do not affect bulk checkout. If an item cannot be checked out during bulk checkout due to other blocks on the patron account, your library may automatically send a failure notice to the patron.

You can also bulk check out Borrow-by-Mail items with a status of Shipped (their status when they arrive at the processing center) without changing the status to Held first. This workflow may affect later statistical reporting for holds.

If there are multiple processing centers in your system and a Borrow by Mail request’s pickup branch differs from your workstation branch, a message appears and the item cannot be checked out.

  1. To print the mailer, select the Borrow by Mail item and click BBMPrintMailer00115.gif above the Requests list.

The printed mailer set for each item includes a cover letter, a mailing label, and a return label. The cover letter lists the Borrow by Mail fee, if any, the item data, and instructions for returning the item.

Mailer printing is available for requests with the status Out from the Request Manager and from the Patron Status workform - Requests view.

  1. Package the item with the mailers and apply the postage.

If your shipping equipment generates tracking numbers, note them on the checklist you printed from the Request Manager.

  1. If your system uses tracking numbers, record the tracking number as follows:
    1. In the Request Manager workform, set the branch to the processing center, the By field to Pickup, and the status to Out.
    2. Right-click each Borrow by Mail request and select Open from the context menu. The Hold Request workform opens.
    3. Enter the tracking number (up to 60 characters) in the Tracking field on the Hold Request workform.
    4. Save the hold request.

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