Managing Integrated EContent in the PAC

EContent titles provided by integrated vendors can be displayed in the Polaris PowerPAC, Mobile PAC, and PowerPAC Children’s Edition. Patrons can search for and view eContent title information using the same features and functions that are available for searching for physical material titles. For information on setting up integrated eContent in Polaris, see Integration with Polaris and eContent Vendors.

RBdigital titles display in the patron's account in Polaris Mobile PAC, but patrons cannot take action on RBdigital titles from Mobile PAC.

Many Polaris Administration settings are used for both physical and eContent titles. These include settings for search types, access points, limit by options, facets, and title display configuration. Advanced search options are supported to the extent that the data is present in the eContent item and bibliographic records.

If your library offers a Limit By filter for currently available items, the system uses the information currently in the Polaris database. Selecting this filter does not trigger real-time synchronization with the integrated eContent vendor.

Other Polaris Administration settings apply only to eContent in the PAC. These settings are used to: limit title display and access based on the resource group that shares the vendor account; manage eContent availability and hold counts; and track eContent circulations separately from physical items. The library can also customize the text for the Check Out and Place Hold buttons in WebAdmin.

Be sure to reload both PowerPAC and Mobile PAC (if your library uses Mobile PAC) each time you: add or change a resource group; add or change a vendor account; or change the Resource Groups: Search results settings profile in Polaris Administration. See Updating Page Caches.

See also: