Non-Integrated EContent in Polaris

When the library offers eContent from non-integrated vendors, the records are displayed in PAC search results, but patrons must click a link to check them out on the vendor’s site. These circulation transactions are not recorded in Polaris.

You can create vendor accounts for non-integrated eContent vendors if you want to limit patron access to the eContent based on the contract the library has with the vendor. If you do not want to limit access, you do not need a vendor account in Polaris. No license is required for setting up non-integrated vendor accounts.

A non-integrated vendor account associates a specific eContent vendor account with a resource group in order to limit patron access to eContent according to the branch or branches that use the account. You can also create a non-integrated vendor account without a resource group if you want a vendor-specific icon to appear with the 856 tags in the PAC.

The fields in the Vendor Account workform contain the following information for a non-integrated vendor:

To implement eContent processing for a non-integrated eContent vendor, the library and Innovative Interfaces do the following:


The available Vendor records are displayed under the expanded Vendors node.
