Modify an Import Profile

If you have the required permissions, you can modify import profiles except for those created by Polaris. These read-only profiles have the creator name PolarisExec. You can copy and rename PolarisExec import profiles. See Copy a Polaris read-only import profile.

To modify an import profile other than a PolarisExec profile:

  1. Select Utilities > Importing > Profile Manager from the Polaris Shortcut Bar.

The Import Profile Manager appears.

  1. Select a username other than PolarisExec in the Creator box.
  2. Double-click the profile you want to modify, or right-click and select Open from the context menu.

The Modify Import Profile window appears.


  1. To change the name of the profile, type the new name in the Name box.
  2. To change the description of the profile, type the new description in the Description box.
  3. To change the default directory or source file, click Browse to browse to the new location.
  4. Click the tab containing the options you want to modify, and see the following sections for instructions on modifying these import options:
  5. Click Save to save the profile when you have finished making modifications.

You can check your settings by printing the profile. See Print an import profile.

  1. Click Close to close the profile after you have saved it.