Cataloging Bound-With Materials

When cataloging pamphlets or other materials that have individual titles and individual bibliographic records, but are bound together in physical volumes, libraries can group bibliographic records together by creating special linking entry fields. Although these linking entry fields are not stored in MARC tags in the host and constituent bibliographic records, they are used to link the records, they are searchable and browsable, and they are exported as 773/774 tags.

The bound-with feature is designed and optimized for research materials where:

Bound-with groups are not intended to be used for non-unique materials that are circulated together but are likely to require multiple item records (for example, circulating multiple ebook tablets, each with multiple non-unique titles loaded onto them) or for materials that are circulated together but do not have separate bibliographic records for each of the parts (for example, kits or book club sets).

The bound-with group functionality is available to all Polaris customers and does not require a Polaris license.

In Polaris, a “bound with” group is not a separate object like a record set; rather, it represents a conceptual relationship among groups of bibliographic records that are defined by their role in the group. In a bound-with group, a single bibliographic record acts as the “host” record representing the title of the bound volume, and one or more bibliographic records act as “constituent” records representing the titles bound together in the volume. A single bar-coded item record represents the physical bound volume; the constituent records do not have linked item records.

Users create bound-with groups with existing final bibliographic records, and the linking between these existing records establishes the role each linked record plays in the bound-with group: host or constituent. When the user starts with a bibliographic record and creates a constituent link, the starting record becomes the single host in the bound-with group.

Conversely, when the user starts with a bibliographic record and creates a host link, the starting record becomes one of the constituent records in the bound-with group. Establishing the links also inserts the appropriate linking entries into the bibliographic records.

Any 773/774 or 787 tags already in the existing bibs are not used to establish the new linking entry fields.

See also

Host Bibliographic Records

Each bound-with group has a single host bibliographic record with the following characteristics:

Host Bibliographic Record’s Bound-With View

To go to the Bound-with Group view of the Bibliographic Record workform, select View > Bound-with or select boundwithicon.gif. The host bibliographic record displays links to the constituent records. The constituent links are displayed in the order in which the constituent links were added.

If you add constituent records from a record set, they are added in bibliographic record control number order. If you select the bibliographic records from a list, such as the Find Tool results, they are added in the order in which they appear in the list. You can select a sorting option in the Find Tool, or click on a column header to sort the list.

For each constituent link listed in the Bound-With view, the following fields are displayed:


Constituent Bibliographic Records

The constituent bibliographic records in a bound-with group have the following characteristics:

Constituent Bibliographic Record’s Bound-With View

A single host link is generated from the following fields in the linked host record:

Users can browse and search the host and constituent links according to the library’s indexing rules for the 773/774 tags.


Finding Bound-With Bibliographic Records in the Staff Client

Use the Limit by Bound-with host/constituent option in the Polaris Find Tool to find bibliographic records that are part of a bound-with group. When the Bound-with host/constituent option is selected, you can select All to find all bibliographic records that are part of a bound-with group; Host to find bibliographic records that act as the host record in a bound-with group; or Constituent to find bibliographic records that act as constituent records in a bound-with group.

From the right-click menu, select Links > Host record or Links > Constituent records to see the host record or the constituent records.

Preventing Multiple Host Item Records

A host bibliographic record may have no more than one linked final item record, which contains the call number for the physical volume. For host bibliographic records, the following functions prevent multiple items from being created:

Displaying Constituent Call Numbers

Since constituent records represent titles that cannot be circulated outside of the volume in which they are bound, they cannot be linked to final item records. However, if call numbers for the constituent items already appear in MARC tags in the constituent bibliographic records, your library can work with your Polaris Site Manager to enable constituent call numbers to be displayed in PAC search results and availability displays. The Polaris Site Manager enters the tag and subfields containing the constituent call numbers and into two tables that are not visible in the Polaris staff client.

One table, BibIndexParams, associates the constituent call number tag with a new bib index key. Another table, BrowseSubfields, specifies the subfields to use in building the constituent call number display. If multiple tags have been designated to carry the constituent call numbers, the BibIndexParams table specifies the order of precedence in which the tags will be checked for the call number.

To avoid re-indexing, your library and site manager should work together to set up entries in these tables before you create any bound-with groups.

Modifying, Deleting, Importing, and Exporting Bound-With Bibs

Transactions are recorded when host and constituent records are created and deleted.

Indexing for Bound-With Groups

Linking entries are indexed according to the rules for 773/774 tags. If the library chooses not to index traditional 773/774 MARC tags, the bound-with host and constituent links are not indexed. If the linking entries are indexed, the link to the reciprocal record is followed and the primary author/title tags in the reciprocal record are indexed, following the indexing rules for these tags.

Bibliographic Records With No Linked Items Report

The Bibliographic Records With No Linked Items report indicates if the bibliographic record has no linked items because it is a constituent of a bound-with group. If a title listed on the Bibliographic Records With No Linked Items report is a constituent record, the following note appears next to the Bibliographic Record ID: This record is a constituent in a Bound-With Group.

Multiple Copies of the Same Constituent Title

If the library has multiple copies of a title with some copies bound in volumes with other titles and others bound separately, Innovative Interfaces recommends that the library create separate bibliographic records for each instance.

Bibs That Cannot Be Members of a Bound-With Group

The following types of bibliographic records cannot be part of a bound-with group:

Bound-With Workflow

Follow this general workflow to implement bound-with cataloging in Polaris:

See also: Create a bound-with group.