Create a Bound-With Group

To create a bound-with group:

  1. Open the Bibliographic Record workform for a bibliographic record that will be identified as the host or constituent record.
  2. Select Tools and select one of the following options:
    • If the open record represents the bound volume, select Create constituent link.
    • If the open record represents a constituent title in the bound volume, select Create host link.

The Find Tool opens with Bibliographic Records selected in the Object box. If you are creating constituent links, you can also select Record sets in the Object box.

  1. Search for and select the bibliographic record that will be the host or constituent record.

If you selected Create constituent link, you can select multiple bibliographic records or a record set. If you select a record set, constituent links are created for all the records in the record set. If you selected Create host link, you can select only a single bibliographic record.

A bound-with group can have a maximum of 100 constituent records. If you select more constituent records than can be added to the group, a message informs you that the limit will be exceeded.

If you select a record that cannot be linked, a message informs you why it cannot be part of the bound-with group.

Bibliographic record <control number> cannot be selected as a constituent record because it has an <item record/acquisitions record> linked to it. 

When the linking is successful, the following occurs:

You can go to the linked records by selecting Links > Host record or Constituent records on the Bibliographic Record workform.