Check in Items in Bulk Mode
You can quickly check in multiple items in bulk mode. With bulk check-in, most blocks and dialogs do not appear. Users who have selected the bulk view as the default check-in view in Leap or in the Polaris staff client will automatically go to the bulk view when checking in items using Leap.
The default view for the Leap Check In workform can be set in Leap on the Workform User Defaults view of the Settings page. See Set Workform User Defaults.
In the Polaris staff client, the default view is set using the View menu on the Check In workform.
If the user's default is set to In House or Inventory mode in the staff client, the Leap Check In workform opens in the Normal view.
The Leap Bulk Check In view uses the same display settings as the Bulk Check In mode in the Polaris staff client. The columns that appear are determined by the settings in the Check in list view options parameter in Polaris Administration. For more information on bulk check in, see the Polaris staff client online help.
To check in items in bulk using Leap
- Select CHECK IN.
The Check In page opens in the default check-in mode setting.
- If the Normal check-in mode is displayed, select Bulk to change to the Bulk check-in mode.
- If you want to change the free days, enter the number of days in the Free Days box or select a date from the calendar. Free days are set according to the Free days (bulk) Patron Services parameter in Polaris Administration.
- Scan the item barcodes to check the items in.
As items are checked in, they appear at the top of the list, the status in the Status column indicates the status change: from > to. For example: Out > In.
The item barcode, due date, status, comments, and fine charged to the borrowing patron, if applicable, appear in columns in the list of items checked in. Your library may also choose to display the item’s title, material type, and/or the borrower’s name. The Comment column displays conditions such as Quick circ item for a Quick Circ item or To Branch name for an item that is in-transit.
- Continue to scan item barcodes until you have checked in all the items.
When an item is checked in, a transaction is logged with the type: Checkin Leap Bulk.
Bulk Check-in - Messages and prompts
When you check in items using bulk check in, you may encounter messages, dialogs, or prompts for the following types of items:
- Items belonging to other branches
If you scan an item that does not belong to your branch, a prompt appears if the Patron Services parameter Check-in: Prompt for in-transit in bulk mode is set to Yes. If the parameter is set to No, items that belong to other branches are set to In-transit without a prompt. When the item is checked in, the Status column displays In-Transit and the Comment column displays To Branch name. If you set Polaris for in-transit slip printing at the Check In workform, an in-transit slip is printed.
- Items that have been billed
If the patron has been billed for an item, the Resolve billed item dialog appears. Select an action for each billed amount and select CONTINUE.
- Items with blocks
If an item has a free-text or manually-assigned block, a dialog displays the text and offers the option to check in or cancel.
- Items that satisfy hold requests
When you scan an item that will fill a hold request where the pickup branch is also the check-in branch, the item is trapped for the request, and the status becomes Held. The Comment field displays “For [patron name]”. If the pickup branch is a different branch, the item status becomes Transferred to pickup branch, and the Comment field displays “To [branch]”
If the item is already held, the item status changes to In, In-transit, or Held for the next patron. The Comment field displays the action taken.
- Items from other library systems (ILL items)
If you check in an ILL item from another library system, a message indicates the item is an ILL and prompts you to continue or stop the check in. If you continue with the check in, the ILL item will be processed in the same way as in the Polaris staff client.
- Quick Circ items
If you check in a quick circ item in bulk mode, the Comment column displays Quick-circ item.
- Claimed items
If you check in an item with a Claimed status, the status column displays Claim Returned, Claim Never Had, or Claim Missing Part.
- Items in floating collections
When you check in items in the bulk view, items float (or not) according to the library's policy. If the option "Prompt for additional floating items" is set to yes for the check-in branch, the prompt appears. The floating limits set in Polaris administration are respected.
- Items with fines
If items that you are checking in have fines, they are charged to the patrons’ accounts automatically as the items are checked in and no messaging appears. The amount is displayed in the Fine Charged column.