Set Workform User Defaults
You can set the following user preferences:
- Default initial view for the following workforms: Check In, Item Record, Bibliographic Record, Background Processing
- Default status filters for the Request Manager views
- Number of recent records displayed in the Workforms tracker
Default item template used for item creation in Leap
You can also set user defaults in Polaris Administration. For more information, see Leap Administration in the Polaris staff client help.
To specify your Leap user defaults
- Select your username, and select Settings.
The Settings page opens.
- Select the Workform User Defaults tab.
- Select the default initial view for the Check In workform from the Check in list.
- Select the default initial view for the Item Record workform from the Item record list.
- Select the default initial view for the Bibliographic Record workform from the Bibliographic record list.
- Select the default initial view for the Background Processing workform from the Background processing list.
- To specify the status filter set for the Request Manager view, select an option for each view in the Holds, ILL, and INN-Reach boxes.
- To change the number of recently-accessed records of each type that display on the Recent tab in the Workform tracker, type a different number next to Patron, Bibliographic, and Item.
To specify the default item template used for item creation, select a template from the Item Template list.
Notes:- If you select a default item template, your choice applies even if you sign out of Leap and sign in again.
- You can also specify the default item template in the Web App: Item Create Workform default item template profile, available in the Administration Explorer under Profiles > Staff Client.
- Select SAVE.