Configure a Receipt Printer (Windows)
- The settings that appear on the Printer Properties window may vary depending on your receipt printer. Innovative tests with Star and Epson printers.
- If your printed receipts contain too much white space, edit your browser's print settings to disable printing headers and footers.
To configure a receipt printer on Windows
Open the Control Panel and select View devices and printers.
The Devices and Printers window appears.
Right-click on a printer and select Properties.
The Properties window appears.
Select the Device Settings tab.
The Device Settings tabbed page appears.
Select Form To Tray Assignment > FRICTION:72mm x Receipt.
- Select OK.
- On the Devices and Printers window, right-click the printer, and select Printing Preferences.
Select Advanced.
The Advanced Options window appears.
Select Paper/Output > Paper Size: 72mm x 200mm.
- Select OK.
Check the Printer Properties window to see that the correct paper size is listed under Paper available.
If the printer driver does not list the correct paper size for your printer, create a custom paper size and select it. See Create a Custom Receipt Size (Windows).