Edit a Bibliographic Record

You can edit bibliographic records in Leap if you have the Bibliographic records: Modify permission enabled in Polaris Administration. For more information about cataloging permissions, search for "Cataloging Permissions" in the Polaris staff client help.

You can use keyboard shortcuts when editing bibliographic records. See Cataloging Keyboard Shortcuts for a list of all available shortcuts.

To edit a bibliographic record

  1. Find the bibliographic record you want to edit, and open it in the Bibliographic Record workform.
  2. Select MARC.

    The MARC view appears.

  3. Do one or more of the following:

  4. Select SAVE to save your changes to the database, or CLOSE to discard your changes.

    If you select SAVE, Leap performs record validation, duplicate detection, and authority control, and then saves the record. For more information, see Bibliographic Record Validation, Duplicate Checking, and Authority Control. If you select CLOSE, Leap prompts you to confirm that you want to discard your changes.