Add a Header Charge or Credit

You can add a header charge or credit to an invoice with a status of Open.

To add a header charge or credit to an invoice

  1. On the Invoice workform, select the Charges view.
  2. Select ADD CHARGE.

    The Add Header Charge dialog appears.

  3. Select a charge or credit type from the Type list.

    You can change the name of the Other charge type to suit your library's purposes. For more information, search for "Rename the Purchase Order and Invoice Header Other Charge Type" in the Polaris staff client help.

  4. In the Amount box, enter the charge or credit amount.
  5. Select a fund from the Fund list.

    The Fund Drop-down List Box Display setting in Polaris Administration (staff client) determines which funds appear in the list. For more information, search for "Specify How Funds are Displayed in Acquisitions" in the Polaris staff client help.

  6. Select OK.

    Leap saves your changes. The new charge or credit appears in the Header Charges table.