Fund Actions

Using the Actions menu on the Fund workform, you can perform the following actions:

Adjust Fund Balances

Transfer Money

Delete a Fund

Adjust Fund Balances

On the Fund workform, you can use the Actions menu to adjust fund balances.

To adjust fund balances

  1. Go to the Fund workform.

  2. Select Actions > Adjust Fund Balances.

    Fund workform, Adjust Fund Balances option.

    The Adjust Fund Balances dialog opens.

    Adjust Fund Balances dialog.

  3. Select one of the available values to adjust:

    • Assign "Beginning allocation" - add the beginning budgeted amount. You can only perform this action once. When you assign the beginning allocation, the other two options become available.

    • Supplementary allocation - add more money to the fund. You can do this multiple times.

    • Reduction in allocation - reduce the budgeted amount. You can do this multiple times.

  4. Enter the currency Amount.

  5. (Optional) Enter a Note.

  6. Select Update Fund.

Transfer Money

On the Fund workform, you can use the Actions menu to transfer money between funds.

To transfer money between funds, you need the permissions mentioned in Fund Record plus the following permission:
Funds: Transfer money between funds

To transfer money between funds

  1. Go to the Fund workform.

  2. Select Actions > Transfer Money.

    Fund workform, Transfer Money option.

    The Transfer Money dialog opens.

    Transfer Money dialog.

  3. Select a Fund to transfer To from the list. Only Funds that share a Fiscal Year with your original fund appear in the list.

    You cannot transfer funds between the following fund types:

    • Deposit Account funds and Regular funds
    • Deposit Acocunt funds and Donation funds

  4. Enter the currency Amount.

  5. (Optional) Enter a Note.

  6. Select TRANSFER.

Delete a Fund

To delete a fund, you must have Funds: Delete permission. You can delete only funds that have no financial transaction history. For example, the fund must have:

To delete a fund

  1. Go to the Fund workform.

  2. Select Actions > Delete.

    Fund workform, Delete option

    The Delete Fund dialog opens.

  3. Select Continue. Leap deletes the fund and returns you to the Fiscal Year workform.