Link to works using an ISBN

In order to support enrichment features from Syndetics Unbound and other third-party library integrations, you can link to works (titles) using any of the ISBNs found in individual instance records (bibliographic records) that belong to a work-level roll up in Vega Discover. If a third-party library product requires an ISBN lookup to link to materials in your catalog, you can provide the vendor with a URL template.

You can use both 10-digit and 13-digit ISBNs. Do not include dashes or other punctuation, spaces, or descriptions that might be included with the URL in your 020 MARC data. These characters have been excluded from our ISBN database.

Link structure

To create a link to a work, use the following structure:



At Ferguson Public Library, the Vega Discover base URL is Therefore, a link to the ISBN 9780399256059 looks like this:

See also