The Posting Register

The Posting Register is one of the reports that prints during the posting process. This report lists each fund that is being updated and shows the amount of the update made to that fund, including the change in that fund's appropriation, expenditure total, and encumbrance total. If your library pays GST or VAT tax from a dedicated fund, Sierra lists the tax amount on a separate line in the Posting Register.

The following are described below:

Report Elements

The first line of the Posting Register lists the voucher numbers included in the report, the date the session was posted, followed by the page heading you entered during posting.

The report is divided into two sections. The top section provides a "before" snapshot of the library's funds and encumbrances, including the last encumbrance and voucher previously posted. The LAST ENCUMBRANCE # and LAST VOUCHER # fields help you track exactly what has been posted to ensure the integrity of the system's files.

The bottom section provides the "after" snapshot, and includes fund-level detail for the invoices that are currently being posted. The amounts printed in the TOTAL POSTED row for the APPRO, EXPEND, and NEW ENCUM columns are column totals. However, the amount printed in this row for the ENCUMBRANCES column is the difference between the summed values of the ENCUMBRANCES column and the NEW ENCUM total.


Depending on the fiscal closing method used for your library, the TOTALS BEFORE and TOTALS AFTER figures might reflect all the funds used at your library, not just the funds for the current fiscal year.

Report Example

The following is an example of a Posting Register printout:

POSTING REGISTER Vouchers 36-37                     02-15-08 jw

                       APPRO         EXPEND   ENCUMBRANCES   NEW ENCUM

Totals before  $3,143,862.08  $1,182,215.55    $183,776.75

Last encumbrance previously posted is:   35
Last voucher previously posted is : 35

  FUND                 APPRO         EXPEND   ENCUMBRANCES   NEW ENCUM
  brirm                $0.00         $58.28        -$43.50      $65.25
  gerac                $0.00         $16.94        -$15.00      $15.00
  antac                $0.00         $63.76        -$33.75      $33.75
  socso                $0.00         $33.31        -$23.75      $23.75
  Total posted         $0.00        $172.29         $21.75     $137.75
 Totals after  $3,143,862.08  $1,182,387.84    $183,798.50

  Last encumbrance #: 41
  Last voucher #:     37