The Invoice Summary

The Invoice Summary is one of the reports that prints during the posting process. This report provides a basic list of the total amount paid on each invoice. See The Invoice Summary with Tax Paid from a Dedicated Fund for information on how this scenario changes the Invoice Summary printout.

The following are described below:

Report Elements

At the top of the report, Sierra prints the date the session was posted and the page heading you entered during posting. The remainder of the report consists of a table containing the following elements:

Column Contains
Left-hand column The voucher number assigned by the system to the invoice as it was processed.
Middle column The vendor's name for the invoice. An exclamation point (!) appearing before the vendor's name indicates that the information came from a VEN ADDR field in the order record, or was entered for the first item on the invoice. Those vendors that are not preceded by an exclamation point are stored in vendor records and each vendor's five-character code was entered into the VENDOR field in the order record.
Right-hand column The total amount paid on the invoice.

At the bottom of the Invoice Summary, Sierra prints various totals, including the total for all invoices, the total amount in those invoices that is subject to use tax, and the total use tax paid.


Up to 300 invoices can be listed on an Invoice Summary. If there are more than 300 invoices in the session you are posting, the system prints the total of ALL invoices and the message:

Unable to print remaining invoices on summary, maximum number exceeded.

The Invoice Summary with Tax Paid from a Dedicated Fund

To accommodate invoices with Goods and Services Tax (GST) or Value Added Tax (VAT), Sierra offers an option to pay tax from a dedicated fund. When you pay tax from a dedicated fund, the Invoice Summary includes a separate line for the tax amount. Note that the system does not display a vendor for this amount. Contact Innovative to enable the option to pay taxes from a dedicated fund.

Example Report

The following provides an example of an Invoice Summary printout.

              INVOICE SUMMARY          02-15-08 jw          

   36       Alfred A. Jaeger                $122.04         
   37       Jonathan A. Hill, Bookseller    $ 50.25         

                   TOTAL of all invoices:   $172.29         

            TOTAL amt subject to use tax:   $  0.00         

                    TOTAL usetax:           $  0.00