ERM Titles Detail Reports

ERM Titles detail reports display cost, monthly usage, and cost-per-use for each title. For information on creating these reports, see Creating Detail Reports in ERM.

The following are described below:

Report Elements
Example Report

Report Elements

This report includes the following elements:

Column Description
Title The title.
Cost Total cost for the title within the date range.
Monthly Usage Usage totals divided into the following subcolumns:

TotalTotal of usage for the title within the date range.
MinumumIdentifies the lowest usage month total for the title within the date range.
MaximumIdentifies the highest usage month total for the title within the date range.
AverageAverage (mean) usage for the title within the date range.
Standard DeviationStatistical standard deviation relative to the average usage. This element measures the degree of variation from the mean usage for this title. Based on total use for the title within the date range.

Cost Per Use Cost per use at the title level. Calculated total CPU using total usage and total cost for the title within the date range.

Example Report