patDisplay |
Defines properties for the master patron display table containing the patron information, patron image, and the patron function buttons. |
patDisplayAuthor |
Defines properties for author information in the patron record display. |
patDisplayFunc |
Defines properties for the patron display table cell containing the patron function buttons table. |
patDisplayInfo |
Defines properties for the patron display table cell containing the patron information table. |
patDisplayInfo |
Defines properties for informational text presented in the patron record display. |
patFunc |
Defines properties for the table displayed when the patron selects the Check Outs, Holds, ILL, Bookings, Fines, or Preferred Searches patron functions. |
patFuncAction |
Defines properties for the Action column on the confirmation screen that appears when a patron modifies holds, cancels bookings, or renews items. |
patFuncBibTitle |
Defines properties for bibliographic title cell appearing in the Check Outs, Holds, ILL, Bookings, or Preferred Searches patron functions. |
patFuncBookDate |
Defines properties for the To and From columns in the Bookings patron function table. |
patFuncBtnCurrent |
Defines properties for the text of the currently selected patron view option in My Account. |
patFuncBtns |
Defines properties for the patron function table buttons. |
patFuncCallNo |
Defines properties for any patron function table cell containing a call number. |
patFuncCancel |
Defines properties for the Cancel if not filled by column in the Holds and ILL patron function tables. |
patFuncDate |
Defines properties for any patron function table cell containing a date. |
patFuncEntry |
Defines properties for a patron function table row. |
patFuncFinesDetail |
Defines properties for details about the unpaid fine or bill on the patron's record in the Fines patron function table. |
patFuncFinesDetailAmt |
Defines properties for the Fines patron function table containing the amount of the unpaid fine or bill. |
patFuncFinesDetailDate |
Defines properties for the date and label information for the unpaid fine or bill in the Fines patron function table. |
patFuncFinesDetailDateLabel |
Defines properties for the labels for all dates for the unpaid fine or bill in the Fines patron function table. |
patFuncFinesDetailType |
Defines properties for the type of unpaid fine or bill in the Fines patron function table. |
patFuncFinesEntryDetail |
Defines properties for the detail entries in the Fines patron function table. |
patFuncFinesEntryTitle |
Defines properties for the Fines patron function table containing the title for which the patron has incurred a fine or a bill. |
patFuncFinesTotal |
Defines properties for the total information for the unpaid fines or bills in the Fines patron function table. |
patFuncFinesTotalAmt |
Defines properties for the total amount for the unpaid fines or bills in the Fines patron function table. |
patFuncFinesTotalLabel |
Defines properties for the total label for the unpaid fines or bills in the Fines patron function table. |
patFuncFreeze |
Defines properties for the table cells containing checkboxes in the Freeze column on the Holds patron function table. |
patFuncHeaders |
Defines properties for the patron function table containing the labels for the table columns. |
patFuncMark |
Defines properties for any patron function table cell containing a check box for selecting an entry in the table. |
patFuncModifyPatInfo |
Defines properties for the Modify Patron Information table containing the Modify Patron Information form and its associated buttons. |
patFuncModifyPIN |
Defines properties for the Modify PIN patron function table containing the Modify PIN form and its associated buttons. |
patFuncModifyPINExample |
Defines properties for the font of the PIN example in the Modify PIN patron function table. |
patFuncNoEntries |
Defines properties for the patron function table cell where a No entries message would display if there are no entries for that table. |
patFuncPickup |
Defines properties for any patron function table cell containing a pickup location. |
patFuncPSrchBtn |
Defines properties for the Pref Search patron function table containing the Search buttons for the entries. |
patFuncPSrchType |
Defines properties for the Preferred Searches patron function table containing the title for the search type grouping (author, title, keyword). |
patFuncRating |
Defines properties for the display parameters of the ratings column in the My Ratings table in the patron record display. |
patFuncStatus |
Defines properties for any patron function table cell containing a status. |
patFuncTitle |
Defines properties for the patron function table that contains the function title in the table. |
patInfo |
Defines properties for the patron information and patron image. |
patImage |
Defines properties for the patron information table cell that contains the patron image. |