briefcitAddlCopies |
Defines properties for the There are additional copies/volumes of this item message. |
briefCitItems |
Defines properties for the item summary table. |
briefCitRow |
Defines properties for the row in the brief citation display. |
browseEntry |
Defines properties for an entry in the browse listing table. |
browseEntryData |
Defines properties for the Data cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseEntryEntries |
Defines properties for the Entries cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseEntryMark |
Defines properties for the Mark cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseEntryMedia |
Defines properties for the Media cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseEntryNum |
Defines properties for the number cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseEntryRelevance |
Defines properties for the Relevance cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseEntryYear |
Defines properties for the Year cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseHeader |
Defines properties for the "header" row of the browse listing table. |
browseHeaderData |
Defines properties for the "Data type" cell (Author, Title, etc.) in the header row of the browse listing table. |
browseHeaderEntries |
Defines properties for the "Entries" cell in the header row of the browse listing table. |
browseHeaderMark |
Defines properties for the "Mark" cell in the header row of the browse listing table. |
browseHeaderMedia |
Defines properties for the "Media" cell in the header row of the browse listing table. |
browseHeaderNum |
Defines properties for the "Num" cell in the header row of the browse listing table. |
browseHeaderRelevance |
Defines properties for the "Relevance" cell in the header row of the browse listing table. |
browseHeaderYear |
Defines properties for the "Year" cell in the header row of the browse listing table. |
browseList |
Defines properties for the table containing the browse listing. |
browsePager |
Defines properties for the table containing the page navigation tool in the browse display. |
browseResourceTable |
Defines properties for the Resource table. These properties overrule any set in the RESOURCETABLE Web option. |
browseResourceTableEntry |
Defines properties for an entry in the Resource table. |
browseResourceTableHeader |
Defines properties for a header in the Resource table. |
browseSaveJump |
Defines properties for the Save/Jump controls. |
browseScreen |
Defines properties for the master browse table, including the search tool, the Save/Jump controls, the resource table, and the browse display itself. |
browseSearchtool |
Defines properties for the table containing the search tool. |
browseSearchtoolMessage |
Defines properties for any table row in the search tool containing a search message. |
browseSubEntry |
Defines properties for a "sub-entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseSubEntryData |
Defines properties for the Data cell for a "sub-entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseSubEntryEntries |
Defines properties for the Entries cell for a "sub-entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseSubEntryMedia |
Defines properties for the Media cell for a "sub-entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseSubEntryRelevance |
Defines properties for the Relevance cell for a "sub-entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseSubEntryYear |
Defines properties for the Year cell for a "sub-entry" in the browse listing table. |
browseSuperEntry |
Defines properties for the index browse "super-entry" row. |
marked |
Defines properties for any browse row saved for export. |
yourEntryWouldBeHere |
Defines properties for the "your entry would be here" table row entry in the browse display. |
yourEntryWouldBeHereData |
Defines properties for the "your entry would be here" table cell entry in the browse display. |