Browse Display Classes

briefcitAddlCopies Defines properties for the There are additional copies/volumes of this item message.
briefCitItems Defines properties for the item summary table.
briefCitRow Defines properties for the row in the brief citation display.
browseEntry Defines properties for an entry in the browse listing table.
browseEntryData Defines properties for the Data cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table.
browseEntryEntries Defines properties for the Entries cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table.
browseEntryMark Defines properties for the Mark cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table.
browseEntryMedia Defines properties for the Media cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table.
browseEntryNum Defines properties for the number cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table.
browseEntryRelevance Defines properties for the Relevance cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table.
browseEntryYear Defines properties for the Year cell for an "entry" in the browse listing table.
browseHeader Defines properties for the "header" row of the browse listing table.
browseHeaderData Defines properties for the "Data type" cell (Author, Title, etc.) in the header row of the browse listing table.
browseHeaderEntries Defines properties for the "Entries" cell in the header row of the browse listing table.
browseHeaderMark Defines properties for the "Mark" cell in the header row of the browse listing table.
browseHeaderMedia Defines properties for the "Media" cell in the header row of the browse listing table.
browseHeaderNum Defines properties for the "Num" cell in the header row of the browse listing table.
browseHeaderRelevance Defines properties for the "Relevance" cell in the header row of the browse listing table.
browseHeaderYear Defines properties for the "Year" cell in the header row of the browse listing table.
browseList Defines properties for the table containing the browse listing.
browsePager Defines properties for the table containing the page navigation tool in the browse display.
browseResourceTable Defines properties for the Resource table. These properties overrule any set in the RESOURCETABLE Web option.
browseResourceTableEntry Defines properties for an entry in the Resource table.
browseResourceTableHeader Defines properties for a header in the Resource table.
browseSaveJump Defines properties for the Save/Jump controls.
browseScreen Defines properties for the master browse table, including the search tool, the Save/Jump controls, the resource table, and the browse display itself.
browseSearchtool Defines properties for the table containing the search tool.
browseSearchtoolMessage Defines properties for any table row in the search tool containing a search message.
browseSubEntry Defines properties for a "sub-entry" in the browse listing table.
browseSubEntryData Defines properties for the Data cell for a "sub-entry" in the browse listing table.
browseSubEntryEntries Defines properties for the Entries cell for a "sub-entry" in the browse listing table.
browseSubEntryMedia Defines properties for the Media cell for a "sub-entry" in the browse listing table.
browseSubEntryRelevance Defines properties for the Relevance cell for a "sub-entry" in the browse listing table.
browseSubEntryYear Defines properties for the Year cell for a "sub-entry" in the browse listing table.
browseSuperEntry Defines properties for the index browse "super-entry" row.
marked Defines properties for any browse row saved for export.
yourEntryWouldBeHere Defines properties for the "your entry would be here" table row entry in the browse display.
yourEntryWouldBeHereData Defines properties for the "your entry would be here" table cell entry in the browse display.