Viewing INN-Reach Transactions by Title

To view the INN-Reach circulation statistics according to the title of the requested items:

  1. Choose the Trans by TITLE option under the INN-Reach Circ submenu.
  2. Choose one of the following reports under the REPORT submenu:
  3. Choose one of the following options under the TYPE submenu:
    • PTYPE—Organizes statistics by the central patron type(s) of the requesting patrons.
    • ITYPE—Organizes statistics by the central item type(s) of the requested items.
  4. Choose one of the following options under the DATA submenu:
  5. Choose one of the following options under the LIMIT BY submenu:
    • SYSTEM—Displays statistics for the entire INN-Reach System.
    • HOME LIBR—Displays statistics for the library associated with the user's login.

Title Report

The Title report displays the title of each item that patrons requested.

Author Report

The Author report displays the authors of each item that patrons requested.

Call # Report

The Call # report displays the call number of each item that patrons requested.

SCAT Tables

If your Local Server owns more than one SCAT table and you choose to generate the Call # Report, the system also displays the Call # Table submenu. The Call # Table submenu contains the name of each call number report purchased for your Local Server. Choose the call number report that you want to use to generate your statistics.