Reporting Community Reviews

If your organization permits users to report inappropriate reviews, you can add a Report Abuse or Report this as inappropriate link that appears when a user views a patron review.

To report an inappropriate review, a patron does the following:

  1. Click the Report this as inappropriate link defined by the ICON_PATREVIEW_ABUSE Web option.
  2. The system shows the patreview_abuse.html form. The patron must complete the form and click Submit to report the abuse. For example:

Once a user has reported an inappropriate review, the system generates a notification email to staff specified in the PATREVIEW_ABUSE_NOTIFY Web option. For example:

A WebPAC user has reported review number 101 of "The intelligent businessman's 
guide to Japan / Jon P. Alston." as inappropriate.

What kind of review is this?  This looks more like spam to me.  
J. Smith 

You may moderate this review here:

[Link to Moderate function]