AirPAC for Smartphones

AirPAC for Smartphones is Innovative's wireless catalog designed for handheld devices such as mobile phones and smaller tablets. AirPAC for Smartphones offers much of the same functionality as the standard WebPAC (for example, searching the catalog, viewing holds, renewing checked out items). Additionally, AirPAC for Smartphones supports bibliographic image (book cover) display, Material Type icons display, and Right Result.

When configuring AirPAC for Smartphones, Innovative uses the requesting rules and login methods from your existing WebPAC. For additional customization, you must provide the following information:

If your library has already set up AirPAC for Smartphones and you want to change your current configuration, use the "Service Commitment: Update AirPAC for Smartphones configuration" page on the Customer Supportal.

Custom Images

Your library can provide alternative versions of the following images in AirPAC for Smartphones:

Top Menu Logo. (logo.gif) You can replace this standard logo at the top of the screen with your own. Provide an image in GIF or JPG format that does not exceed 108 pixels wide by 48 pixels tall.

Apps Menu Bookmark. (apple-touch-icon.png) This logo is used when patrons save a bookmark on the iPhone apps menu. The iPhone automatically adds rounded corners and a shiny appearance. To use this graphic, convert the file's format from GIF to PNG. To use an image other than the default, provide a 57 pixel by 57 pixel image in PNG format.

Mobile Domain Setup

A mobile domain lets patrons access your catalog from mobile devices with an address like The server detects iPhones and certain other smartphones and redirects them from your main catalog to the mobile domain. (They can still link back to the main catalog if needed.)

Special Setup

The following are special mobile domain setup issues that your library might encounter:

Situation Proposed Solution
m.[library name].[extension] is not appropriate for the library setup If your library is a part of a larger organization (such as a university), you might not be able to use a domain like In this situation, you can choose a different node to avoid interfering with existing or planned addresses, such as or Short words without numbers (mcat, mlib, and so on) are easier to enter in a mobile device.
Complex SSL Certificates Innovative redirects mobile devices to alternative domains if present. Your SSL certificates must cover alternate mobile domains. Wildcard certificates work if your domains have the same number of nodes. If your domains use different numbers of nodes (for example, and, you can use a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) certificate to identify each specific domain. Most certificate vendors offer this option.