Possible Error Messages in the Electronic Holdings Load Function

Error message Details
There are no checkin records attached to <record number> A matching bibliographic record was found but has no checkin records attached.
Line doesn't have an ISSN or a Title The holdings update text file contains a line that lacks an ISSN or a title field.
No matches on Title The holdings update text file contains a line that does not match any records in the database when titles are compared.
No matches on Title in the range The holdings update text file contains a line that does not match any records in the specified range of record numbers when titles are compared. Matches outside the range exist.
No matches on ISSN The holdings update text file contains a line that does not match any records in the database when ISSNs are compared.
No matches on ISSN in the range The holdings update text file contains a line that does not match any records in the specified range of record numbers when ISSNs are compared. Matches outside the range exist.
No matches in the range The holdings update text file contains multiple lines that do not match any records in the specified range of record numbers when ISSNs or titles are compared. Matches outside the range may or may not exist.
Multiple matches on key <ISSN or title> The holdings update text file contains a line that matches multiple records in the specified range of record numbers when ISSN or titles are compared.
Error at line <number> The processing of the text file encountered an error at a certain line number. The most likely cause is an improperly formatted line. See Formatting Text Files for Holdings (LIB HAS) Updates for more information.
Failed to process the vendor supplied text file The request to process the text file failed. This indicates a problem with the Sierra server or the communication to the Sierra software on your PC.