Printing Pull Slips

You can print pull slips one-by-one as bindable issues are found or queue the pull slips and print them later in batch. If the Show Popup for Print Pull Slip option is enabled for your login, the Print Pull Slip to Bind dialog allows you to queue pull slips for later printing and to add a note to the pull slip. If this option is not enabled, Sierra prints pull slips individually without displaying the dialog.

To print pull slips, do the following.

  1. Choose Print Pull Slip on the Card tab.

If you are finished searching for issues to bind and want to print queued pull slips, retrieve one of the checkin cards with bindable issues you previously queued. Choose Print Pull Slip to access the print dialog.

  1. Choose one of the following:
    • Print Now - Choose this option to print the current pull slip only.
    • Add to print queue - Choose this option to add the pull slip to the queue and continue searching for issues to bind.
    • Add this title and print entire queue - Choose this option if you are finished finding bindable issues and want to print the queue. Sierra sorts the pull slips before printing based on your binding setting.
  2. Enter the number of copies to bind in the Copies to Bind box. This number applies to the current title only, not previously queued issues.

    You cannot enter more copies to bind than the number of copies in the COPIES field of the checkin record.

  3. (Optional) In the Note box, enter a note to print on the pull slip.
  4. Choose OK to add the current pull slip to the queue and/or print the pull slips.
  5. If prompted, choose a printer from the Select a Printer dialog.