Customizing Resource Tables at the WebPAC Origin

Set the RESOURCETABLE Encore/WebPAC option to display and customize the WebPAC resource table.


WebPAC resource tables do not appear unless this option is defined.

An example of a RESOURCETABLE setting for WebBridge is:

RESOURCETABLE=valign="top"|cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"|10|<img src="/screens/resource_table.gif" width="90" height="28" border="0">

You can alter the sizing and placement elements, use other image files (such as webbridge_small.gif), or substitute a text string (such as "More resource available at") in the RESOURCETABLE Encore/WebPAC option.


The setting example is split on multiple lines for display purposes only. Enter RESOURCETABLE settings without line breaks.