Zooming In and Out on an Image

You can magnify (zoom in on) or reduce (zoom out on) the view of an image using the Zoom menu option. Follow these steps to zoom in or zoom out on an image.

  1. Retrieve a bibliographic record.
  2. Choose Go | Media.
  3. In the Media Manager window, click once on the name of the image file you want to magnify or reduce. The image appears in the Display panel.
  4. Choose Tools | Image | Zoom. The Zoom dialog displays.
  5. In the Zoom dialog, enter the percentage by which you want to zoom. A percentage above 100 will zoom in, while a percentage below 100 will zoom out.
  6. Choose OK to apply the zoom to the image.
  7. Choose the Save button in the toolbar to save your changes to the image.

To quickly zoom in on a portion of the image, you can select the area with your mouse instead of entering a zoom percentage in the Zoom dialog. To select the area of the image, position your mouse over the upper left corner of the area you want to magnify. Click and hold while moving your mouse to the lower right corner of the area you want to magnify. When you release the mouse button, a menu will display automatically. Choose Zoom. Media Management zooms in on the area you selected.