Resizing Images

You can change the width and/or height of an image using the Resize menu option. Follow these steps to resize an image.

  1. Retrieve a bibliographic record.
  2. Choose Go | Media.
  3. In the Media Manager window, click once on the name of the image file you want to resize. The image will appear in the Display panel.
  4. Choose Tools | Image | Resize. The Image Size dialog displays.
  5. In the Image Size dialog, use the Select Scale Type drop-down list to choose to scale the image by pixel or by percentage. The default values in the Width and Height data fields will change accordingly.
  6. To maintain the image's aspect ratio, leave the Maintain Aspect Ratio check box selected. This will maintain the original relationship between the image's width and height.
  7. Type the desired image width or height in the appropriate data field. If the Maintain Aspect Ratio check box is selected, Media Management automatically inserts the correct value in the other field for you. If the Maintain Aspect Ratio check box is not selected, you must key the desired value in both the Width and Height data fields.
  8. Choose OK to apply your changes to the image.
  9. Choose the Save button in the toolbar to save your changes to the image.