Removing Images from a Media Set

You can remove images from a media set using the Remove menu option. Follow these steps to remove an image from a media set.

  1. Retrieve a bibliographic record.
  2. Choose Go | Media.
  3. In the Media Manager window, click once on the name of the image file you want to remove. The image will appear in the Display panel.
  4. Choose Tools | Image | Remove. Media Management automatically removes the image from the media set.
  5. Choose Save from the Toolbar to save the bibliographic record with the updated media set.
Removing the Last Image File from a Media Set

A media set can exist in a bibliographic record only if it contains at least one image file or other media file. If you remove the last image file in a media set, Media Management prompts upon saving or exiting the bibliographic record There are one or more media sets with no attached media. Invalid sets will be removed. Choose OK to continue removing the image file and media set, or choose Cancel to return to the record. If you return to the record, you either must add a new media file, or retain the file you removed by closing the record and choosing No at the WARNING: Record has been changed. Do you want to save changes? prompt.