Cropping Images

You can remove unwanted areas around the perimeter of an image by using the Crop menu option. Follow these steps to crop an image.

  1. Retrieve a bibliographic record.
  2. Choose Go | Media.
  3. In the Media Manager window, click once on the name of the image file you want to crop. The image will appear in the Display panel.
  4. In the Display panel, position your mouse over the upper left corner of the area you want to crop. Click-and-hold while moving your mouse to the lower right corner of the area to be cropped.
  5. Release the mouse button. A menu will display automatically.
  6. Choose Crop. The Crop Image dialog displays with the coordinates of the selected area calculated for you.
  7. Choose OK. Media Management removes the unwanted areas of the image and retains the cropped area you specified.
  8. Choose Save from the Toolbar to save the edited image on the bibliographic record.