Deleting Media Files from a Media Set

Follow these steps to delete a media file from a media set.

  1. Retrieve a bibliographic record.
  2. Choose Go | Media.
  3. In the Media Manager window, navigate to the media file you want to delete.
  4. Click once on the media file, then choose Tools | Digital File | Remove. (If you are deleting an image, choose Tools | Image | Remove.) Media Management will remove the media file from the media set.
  5. Choose the Save button from the toolbar to save the bibliographic record with your changes.

When you delete all files from a media set, you can add new files to the media set only if they are the same file type previously saved to the media set. To save new files types you must delete the existing media set and create a new one.

Deleting the Last Media File in a Media Set

A media set can exist in a bibliographic record only if it contains at least one media file. If you delete the last media file in a media set, Media Management prompts upon saving or exiting the bibliographic record There are one or more media sets with no attached media. Invalid sets will be removed. Choose OK to continue removing the media file and media set, or choose Cancel to return to the record. If you do not want to remove the media set, you must Close the record and choose No at the WARNING: Record has been changed. Do you want to save changes? prompt.