Software Only Multiple IP Support Setup - Redhat Linux

For organizations using Redhat Linux, use the following procedure for each IP address that your organization is using with Multiple IP Support for Web Access Management.

  1. Check setting of primary network interface (eth0)

    cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
    cat ifcfg-eth0
  1. As superuser, create an IP alias.

    cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
    cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcdfg-eth0:1
    cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0:2
    cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0:n
  2. Update the DEVICE and IPADDR lines in each ifcfg-eth0:n file where n is the number of the file.

    Set the DEVICE and IPADDR values as follows, where .n is the number of the ifcfg-eth0: file and [IP ADDRESS] is the IP address:


  3. Enter IP and alias in /etc/hosts
    vi /etc/hosts
    [IP address 1] alias1
    [IP address 2] alias2
    [IP address n] aliasn

  4. Run the ifconfig [device] command for each device as follows:

    /sbin/ifconfig.eth0:1 [IP address 1] netmask [IPADDR value from ifcfg-eth0 file] up
    /sbin/ifconfig.eth0:2 [IP address 2] netmask [IPADDR value from ifcfg-eth0 file] up
    /sbin/ifconfig.eth0:n [IP address n] netmask [IPADDR value from ifcfg-eth0 file] up

  5. Verify the new IPs and alias.

    /sbin/ifconfig -a
  6. Test the connection from within the server. For example:

    ping [IP address]