Software Only Multiple IP Support Setup - IBM/AIX

For organizations using IBM/AIX, use the following procedure for each IP address that your organization is using with Multiple IP Support for Web Access Management.

  1. On the command line, run the following command to set the system alias:

    ifconfig <device> alias <IP address>

    where <device> is the device name and <IP address> is the alternate IP address. For example:

    ifconfig en0 alias
  2. Log in as superuser and edit the /etc/rc.local file to add the alias information.

    Add the following:

    ifconfig <device> alias <IP address>

    where <device> is the device name and <IP address> is the IP address. For example:

    ifconfig en0 alias
  3. Save your changes and quit the /etc/rc.local file.
  4. Edit the /etc/inittab and add the line to boot the /etc/rc.local file when the system starts. For example:

    rclocal:2:once:/etc/rc.local > /dev/console 2 > 81

    Save and quit.

To test the setup, telnet to each IP address entered in the /etc/rc.local file.