Preventing Desensitization by SIP2 SelfCheck Units

By default, SelfCheck units using the SIP2 Circulation Interface desensitize each item as it is checked out. If your library wants to prevent certain types of items from becoming desensitized (e.g., magnetic media such as DVDs ), you can request that Innovative enable the Preventing SIP2 Desensitization feature. When this feature is enabled, the SelfCheck unit does not desensitize items designated as magnetic media.

To enable the Preventing SIP2 Desensitization feature:

  1. Decide on one item record fixed-length field in which to identify magnetic media.
  2. Choose the codes you want to use in this field to designate the different types of magnetic media at your library. You can use alphanumeric codes (but no wildcards). For example: d, v, c or 3, 9, 16, 20, 100 or mvid, mdvd, maud.
  3. Update the chosen field in the item records of your magnetic media.
  4. Contact Innovative to request that the Preventing SIP2 Desensitization feature be enabled. Inform Innovative of the field and the codes you chose for magnetic media designation.