Possible Messages (Editing ILL Item Barcodes)

This section describes some of the messages you might see when you attempt to edit barcodes for ILL items.

Do you want to replace existing barcode?
The selected ILL item already has a barcode. To delete the existing barcode and replace it with the barcode just entered in the Edit barcode dialog box, choose Yes. To retain the existing barcode and discard the new barcode, choose No.
Your barcode exceeded 128 characters. Use 'barcode' instead ?
The maximum length of barcodes added to ILL items is 128 characters. To use the barcode suggested by the system, choose Yes. To cancel adding this barcode, choose No.
Do you want to remove barcode?
To delete the barcode from the selected ILL item, choose Yes. To retain the current ILL item barcode, choose No.
Failed to edit barcode.
Protocol failure: Failed to retrieve status!
The system is unable to perform the requested action.