Deleting Scanned Articles

The following permissions are required when deleting scanned articles:

  • To use the Course Reserves function, you must be assigned permissions 48 (Course reserves) and 171 (View course records).
  • To delete scanned articles, you must be assigned permissions 101 (View bibliographic records), 195 (Update articles), and 196 (Delete articles).
  • To view and edit item records after selecting View Bib, you must be assigned permissions 121 (View Item Records) and 124 (Update item records), respectively.
  • To select View Course, you must be assigned permission 171 (View course records). To edit a course record, you must be assigned permission 174 (Update course records).
  • To select Delete articles and BIBLIOGRAPHIC and attached ITEM records, you must also be assigned permissions 104 (Update bibliographic records), 105 (Delete cataloged bib records), 106 (Delete uncataloged bib records) and 108 (Delete bib records and links).

If your library uses Electronic Course Reserves to attach electronic reserve material to bibliographic records on reserve, you can use the Delete Scanned Articles option to remove scanned articles from the database. Note that you can delete any scanned article, not just articles that are attached to course records. To delete scanned articles, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Course Reserves from the Function list.
  2. Select the Options | Delete Scanned Articles menu option.
  3. Retrieve the bibliographic records from which you want to delete articles in one of the following ways:
    • To delete articles from the entire database or a range of records, choose Range of bib record numbers and specify a starting or ending record.
    • To delete articles from a review file of records, choose Boolean review file and select a review file of bibliographic records from the drop-down list.
  4. Choose Search. The system displays the bibliographic records that have attached articles.
  5. Select one or more records and choose one of the following options:
    • To view the bibliographic record to which the article is attached, or to edit its attached item records, choose View Bib. (The system disables this option if you select more than one record.)
    • To view and edit the course for which the bibliographic record is on reserve, choose View Course. (The system disables this option if you select more than one record.)
    • To delete the scanned articles, choose Delete Articles. The system prompts you to either delete or retain the attached bibliographic record:
      • Choose Delete articles only, keeping BIBLIOGRAPHIC record to delete the articles without deleting the bibliographic record.
      • Choose Delete articles and BIBLIOGRAPHIC and attached ITEM records to delete both the articles and the bibliographic record.
See Also:
Possible Messages (Deleting Scanned Articles)