Updating a Matching Bibliographic Field

If a bibliographic field matches the 4XX field, Automatic Authority Control Processing replaces the matching portion with the contents of the authority record's 1XX field. This topic provides details about:


When updating a bibliographic field, Automatic Authority Control Processing changes the MARC tag of the bibliographic field when necessary. For example, if a bibliographic 100 field matches an Authority 400 field and the valid form is a 130 field, the system converts the MARC tag for the bibliographic field to a 130 MARC tag.

The system also converts bibliographic 4xx fields to 8XX fields, if the library answered "YES" to the following question before implementation of this product:

"When the system converts a Bibliographic 440 field to an 830 field, the library has the option to add a MARC 4901^ field to the Bibliographic record (the ^ denotes a blank indicator). Does the library want to add a 4901^ field?"

The system converts a 440 field to an 8XX field and inserts a "4901 " field into the bibliographic record, with the field group tag specified by the library (usually "s"). (See Inserting a "4901" Field into a Bibliographic Record.)


Automatic Authority Control Processing updates the indicators for the new bibliographic field based on the value of the third element of the AUTHTAGS line that corresponds to the original MARC tag for the bibliographic field.

If the new bibliographic tag is an X30, the system clears the non-filing indicator and copies the first indicator (non-filing characters) from the second indicator in the authority 130 field.

If the original bibliographic field was a 440 field and the bibliographic field was changed to an 800, 810, or 811 field, Sierra copies the first indicator from the first indicator in the authority 1XX field and the second indicator is cleared.

The system respects the non-filing indicator in the following MARC fields and ignores the number of characters specified in that indicator when comparing the bibliographic field with the authority field:

Tag Indicator
130 1
440 2
630 1
730 1
830 2

Ending Punctuation

Automatic Authority Control Processing updates the ending punctuation in the replaced portion of the following bibliographic fields:

100, 110, 111, 700, 710, 711

The ending punctuation from the bibliographic record field is retained if the whole bibliographic field is replaced:

ENTRY    : amilstead glenn 1945 1988
NEW FORM : b700 0 |aDivine,|d1945-1988.
OLD FORM : b700 1 |aMilstead, Glenn,|d1945-1988.
AUTH 4XX : b400 1 |aMilstead, Glenn,|d1945-1988
AUTH NUM : a113986

The ending punctuation from the bibliographic record field is retained if the next subfield is in the set "e,u-z,0-9":

ENTRY    : amilstead glenn 1945 1988
NEW FORM : b700 0 |aDivine,|d1945-1988,|eactor
OLD FORM : b700 1 |aMilstead, Glenn,|d1945-1988,|eactor
AUTH 4XX : b400 1 |aMilstead, Glenn,|d1945-1988
AUTH NUM : a113986

A period is added to the end of a bibliographic record subfield that occurs before a '4' subfield if the subfield does not end with the characters ')' or '?':

ENTRY    : afestspiele bayreuth germany
NEW FORM : b711 2 |aBayreuther Festspiele.|4prf
OLD FORM : b711 2 |aFestspiele (Bayreuth, Germany)|4prf
AUTH 4XX : b411 20|aFestspiele (Bayreuth, Germany)
AUTH NUM : a1167524

If the name portion of a name-title bibliographic field is changed and the original name portion in the bibliographic record field did not end with a period or a dash ('-'), an ending period is added:

ENTRY    : alawrence david herbert 1885 1930
NEW FORM : a100 1 |aLawrence, D. H.|q(David Herbert),|d1885-1930.
OLD FORM : a100 1 |aDavison, Lawrence H.|q(Lawrence Herbert),|d1885-1930,
AUTH 4XX : a100 1 |aLawrence, D. H.|q(David Herbert),|d1885-1930
AUTH NUM : a113987

Bibliographic 6XX Fields

When replacing a portion of a bibliographic 6XX field that is followed by a subfield "v-z", Automatic Authority Control Processing uses the ending punctuation from the authority record's 1XX field:

ENTRY    : aamsterdam ethnic relations
NEW FORM : d651 0|aAmsterdam (Netherlands)|xEthnic relations.
OLD FORM : d651 0|aAmsterdam.|xEthnic relations.
AUTH 4XX : e451 |aAmsterdam
AUTH NUM : a113986

In the example, the authority record has an 008/11 value of 'a', which corresponds to the '0' in the second indicator of the 651 field.

When replacing a portion of a bibliographic 6XX field that is followed by a numeric subfield delimiter (such as, '5'), the ending punctuation for the portion is retained from the bibliographic field.

Inserting a "4901 " Field into a Bibliographic Record

If Automatic Authority Control Processing updates a bibliographic 440 field, the system inserts a "4901 " (blank second indicator) field in the bibliographic record. Spaces replace subfield delimiters "|n" and "|p" from the 440 field.

For example, in the original bibliographic record, the series statement tag is 440. If the "authorized" form of the series statement changes from what is in the 440, the new authorized form appears in an 830, and the 440 changes to a 490:

ENTRY    : tjournal of polymer science polymer symposium
NEW FORM : s830 0|aJournal of polymer science.|pPolymer symposia
NEW 490 : s490 1 |aJournal of polymer science. Polymer symposium
OLD FORM (bib) : s440 0 |aJournal of polymer science.|pPolymer symposium
AUTH 4XX : u430 0|aJournal of polymer science.|pPolymer symposium
AUTH NUM : a113986

In this case, the field group tag associated with the "4901 " field is 's' (SERIES).

Updating the 240 Field in a 1XX-240 Pair

If a bibliographic 1XX name entry matches the name portion of a 4XX name-title entry and the bibliographic record contains a 240 field that matches the title portion of the 4XX, Automatic Authority Control Processing updates the 240 field.

ENTRY    : alawrence david herbert 1885 1930
NEW FORM : a100 1 |aLawrence, D. H.|q(David Herbert),|d1885-1930.
t24010|aLady Chatterley's lover
OLD FORM : a100 1 |aLawrence, D. H.|q(David Herbert),|d1885-1930.
t240 10|aFirst Lady Chatterley
AUTH 4XX : a4001 |aLawrence, D. H.|q(David Herbert),|d1885-1930.|tFirst Lady
AUTH NUM : a113997


The AUTHTAGS table establishes correspondences between bibliographic record fields and authority record fields. For example, the authority record 400 tag (a Personal Name SEE FROM) corresponds to the bibliographic record's 100 tag (Personal Name heading). The system processes only authority 4XX tags that appear in this table.

The format of a line in the AUTHTAGS table is:


Comments in the file begin with '#'.

<bib_tag> MARC tag for a bibliographic field to be replaced. Can include indicator values. A bib MARC tag should appear only once in this table.
<auth_4XX> 4XX tag, in an authority record, that corresponds to the <bib_tag> bibliographic MARC tag. Must be within 400-451, inclusive. Can be empty if <bib_tag> element equals 240.
<index_tags> Index or indexes in which the bib field must appear. This element can be empty.
<ind_map> Specifies how the indicator values from the authority record's 1XX map to an updated bib field. The possibile mappings are:

1 - move 1XX indicator to bib indicator 1

2 - move 1XX indicator 2 to bib indicator 2

3 - move 1XX indicator 2 to bib indicator 1

4 - move 1XX indicator 1 to bib indicator 2

More than one action can appear in this field, such as:

<special> Not implemented at this time.

The following is the default AUTHTAGS table used by Automatic Authority Control Processing. The default table is built into the product. Contact Innovative to specify an alternative AUTHTAGS mapping table.

#AUTHTAGS table used for Automatic Authority Control