Displaying and Suppressing Links to Resources

You control which target resources display.

The system default is to display all resources defined in your system whenever the user selects a WebBridge or Other Resources button.

To display only the most meaningful resources, you suppress some of the links.

You can suppress resource links based on the user's origin, session information, and data from the displayed record. The user's origin and session information can be used to suppress links in either a full record or browse display. However, data from a displayed record is available only in the full record display. This means you have an additional level of control when suppressing links in full record displays.

When to Display Resources

The link to a target resource should display if and only if the patron will be able to:

For the link to provide meaningful additional information and work correctly, several factors are required, including:

The link works correctly when you create:

Links are context sensitive because:

Determining if a Resource Link Displays

Displaying and suppressing resources

Suppressing Resource Links

Links to target resources are suppressed in three phases:

Suppressing resources

In the first phase, the system looks for a match between the origin and each target resource, based on category. It works like this:

  1. The system examines the list of categories contained in the origin's definition.
  2. The system examines the category to which the target resource is assigned.
  3. If the system matches the target resource's category to a category in the origin's list, the resource displays. If they do not match, the resource link is suppressed.

After the system completes this phase, the links the patron sees are a function of the categories listed in the patron's origin.

Categories are not optional.

In the second phase, the system looks for a match between the properties of the session and each target resource, based on filters. It works like this:

After the system completes this phase, the links that the patron sees are a function of the:

Filters are optional.

In the third phase, the system applies each data test contained in the resource's definition to the data in the displayed record. If the data passes:

After the system completes this phase, the links that the patron sees are a function of the:

Data tests are optional.