Customizing Resource Panels at the External Origin

To customize the external origin resource panel, edit the resserv_panel.html form. This form is customized in the same way as a WebPAC customizable form. For more information about customizing forms, see Customizable WebPAC Forms. To customize resource links within the resource panel, edit the resserv_resource.html form.


If you use the version of WebBridge intended for consortia, you can have resserv_panel_panel.html files for each member library. Each file can be customized separately. The file name convention is resserv_panel_panel_<affiliation>.html. For example:


The resserv_panel.html form uses the following tokens:

Token Description
<!--{ifnoresources}--> If the list of relevant resources is empty, the system can display a message.
<!--{else}--> If there is a list of relevant resources, use the following tokens.
<!--{ifnoaffiliation}--> If the OpenURL does not contain an affiliation label in the &req_dat=<affiliation> element, the system can offer a list of affiliations. The user can choose an affiliation and resubmit the OpenURL. For use by consortia.
<!--{resubmitopenurl}--> If the OpenURL does not contain an affiliation label in the &req_dat=<affiliation> element, offers the user a list of affiliations. For use by consortia.
<!--{submit: [text with HTML markup
or image location with IMG SRC tag]
Resubmits the OpenURL with the user-selected affiliation label appended. For use by consortia.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifnoaffiliation}--> block. For use by consortia.
<!--{ifopenurl:<X>}--> The system performs this block of commands if the OpenURL contains the element specified by <X>. You can follow this with a statement that formats and identifies the OpenURL element (see example).
<!--{openurl:<X>}--> The system replaces the token with an OpenURL element <X>.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifopenurl}--> block.
<!--{resourcelist}--> The system replaces the <!--{resourcelist}--> token with a list of target resources.
<!--{xif}--> Closes the <!--{ifnoresources}--> block.

An example of a customized resserv_panel.html form is:

  <TITLE>Resolution Server</TITLE>
    <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="/stylesheet.css">

      <img src="Resources/Images//map.gif" BORDER="0">
      <SPAN STYLE="color: red">No resources available</SPAN>

      <STRONG>The following resources may provide additional information:</STRONG>



An example of a customized resserv_panel_<affiliation>.html form is:

  <TITLE>Resolution Server</TITLE>
    <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="/stylesheet.css">

      <img src="Resources/Images//map.gif" BORDER="0">
      <SPAN STYLE="color: red">No resources available</SPAN>


      More resources might be available through your institution. 
      Select a member library and choose "Submit.":
<!--{submit: <img src="Resources/Images/submit.gif">}-->

      <STRONG>The following resources may provide additional information:</STRONG>


See also:
Maintaining WebPAC