Limiting Orders by Location and Vendor

Queued purchase orders can be limited by vendor and by location. To limit purchase orders:

  1. Choose Print/Send Orders from the Function drop-down list.

The pull-down menu default option is x purchase orders to PRINT, so the current list of purchase orders to print displays. Select either the x purchase orders to send via EMAIL or x purchase orders to FTP option in the pull-down menu to display the current list of purchase orders to send electronically.

  1. Select the Limit by Vendors or Limit by Location button.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, do one of the following:
    • Select one or more vendors in the Select Vendors dialog.
    • Select one location in the Select Location dialog.
  3. Select OK.

Removing Limits on Vendors and Location

If limits are set for vendor or location, queued purchase orders that are not within the limits do not appear. For example, if purchase orders have been limited to vendor ABC, queued purchase orders for other vendors do not display.

To remove limits and display all queued purchase orders:

  1. Choose Print/Send Orders from the Function drop-down list.

The pull-down menu default option is x purchase orders to PRINT, so the current list of purchase orders to print appears. Select either the x purchase orders to send via EMAIL or x purchase orders to FTP option in the pull-down menu to display the current list of purchase orders to send electronically.

  1. Select the Limit by Vendors or Limit by Location button.
  2. Select No Limit.