Making Partial Payments

You can make a partial payment on orders for multiple copies, a single copy, or a multi-volume set.

Multiple-Copy Orders

To partially pay a multi-copy order:

  1. Create an invoice.
  2. In the number of copies field, indicate the number of copies for which you want to pay.
  3. In the Payment field, enter the amount you will pay on this invoice for all the copies you are currently paying.
  4. Finish the invoice as described under Creating Invoices.

Once you post the record, the status will change to 'q' partially paid (or 'e' partially paid serial). For multiple-copy orders, the system calculates the amount of the disencumbrance as the number of copies received times the estimated price in the order record. As you make payments, Sierra disencumbers each copy separately.

Single-Copy and Multi-Volume Set Orders

To partially pay a single-copy order or an order for a multi-volume set:

  1. Create an invoice.
  2. In the Payment field, enter the amount you will pay on this invoice for the copy or multi-volume set.
  3. When prompted to enter a payment note, enter an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the note to indicate that you are making a partial payment. Sierra will change the STATUS field of the order record to 'q' (partially paid).
  4. Finish the invoice as described under Creating Invoices.

Sierra disencumbers only the amount paid, including any shipping charges, tax, etc. encumbered for this order. You can make later payments on this order, and the system keeps track of them.