Adjusting Funds in Fiscal Close (all Methods)

Adjust Funds is the last step in Fiscal Close for all methods. The display on this panel varies according to the method you use. Note that this step is optional; you can perform these steps during the fiscal close process or at a later time using the Funds function.

If you choose to adjust funds during the fiscal close process, the display on the Adjust Funds tab varies according to the method you use.

Method 1
Method 2
Method 3

To adjust funds:

  1. Make sure you are in the Fiscal Close function and that the Adjust Funds tab is selected.
  2. See Changing Appropriations, Encumbrances, and Expenditures in the Fund Adjustment Table for instructions.
  3. If desired, choose Post from the toolbar to apply your changes to the funds.
  4. Whether or not you post now, choose Finish to save your changes and complete the fiscal closing process. The system displays the following message.

    "Fiscal Close Complete!"

Method 1

For the funds you selected, appropriations and expenditures will have been reset to zero, and encumbrances will have their original amounts. Enter the new fiscal year appropriations for each fund.

Method 2

The amounts saved before zeroing (the copied or transferred appropriations and expenditures and re-encumbered encumbrances) will be displayed and highlighted. Make any adjustments as needed.
All appropriations, expenditures, and encumbrances for the funds you selected display as zero ("0.00"). Using the reports you printed in the previous steps, enter the appropriate values for each of the funds.

Method 3

All appropriations, expenditures, and encumbrances for the funds you selected display as zero ("0.00"). Enter the appropriate values for each of the funds.

See also:
Fiscal Closing