Administering Import Invoice Settings

The settings menu for Import Invoice contains the settings options for the RDATE and ODATE fields when processing invoices electronically and the default display when you select an invoice in the Accept/Reject tab.

RDATE and ODATE Options

Use today's date as receive date
Select this option to use the date that the invoice is processed as the date that the item was received.
Use today's date as both order and receive date
Select this option to use the date that the invoice is processed as the date that the item was both ordered and received.
Do not set a receive date.

Accept/Reject Default Tab Option

Process tab is the default tab in Accept/Reject
Select this option if you want to set the Process tab as the default display when you select an invoice in the Accept/Reject tab.
Extended View tab is the default tab in Accept/Reject
Select this option if you want to set the Extended View tab as the default display when you select an invoice in the Accept/Reject tab.