Administering Login Options

The Login menu contains options that determine:

You can select these options in any combination.

Sierra Access Method Options

Sierra Desktop
If this option is selected, the user can access the Sierra Desktop Application.
Sierra Web
If this option is selected, the user can access Sierra Web.

Keyboard Timeout Options

Clear permissions on keyboard timeout
If this option is selected, the system clears the current permissions after the keyboard timeout period expires. Note, however, that the application is not closed (the user license for this session is not released). You are prompted to re-enter your permissions.
Exit application on keyboard timeout
If this option is selected, the system closes the application and releases the user license after the keyboard timeout period expires.

You can select the Clear permissions on keyboard timeout option, the Exit application on keyboard timeout option, both options, or neither option, as needed.

If you have unsaved work when Sierra times out, Sierra suspends your entry and/or asks you to save your work, but does not allow you to take any other action until you re-enter your permissions.

When you initiate an action that Sierra requires some time to complete, it displays a progress bar or other "busy" indicator. Sierra does not consider the period of time when it is busy as part of the keyboard timeout period. Sierra does not begin the timeout period until it finishes its task and you can once again interact with it through the mouse or keyboard, at which point it waits the full number of seconds in the keyboard timeout period before timing out.