Exporting a List of User Permissions

Using Sierra's Administration Application, you can export a list of permissions assigned to users as a comma-separated values (.csv) file. You can export the permissions assigned to a single user or the permissions for multiple users in a single file. This file can help library administrators manage the permissions assigned to library staff.

To export a list of user permissions in the Administration Application:

  1. Under User Accounts, select Authorizations and Authentication.
  2. In the left panel, select Users.
  3. Locate the user whose permissions you want to export.

You can select additional users to export in a later step.

  1. Click the + icon to the left of the user to expose the EDIT button, and then click EDIT.
  2. Click Export Permissions. Sierra displays a list of users and selects the current user by default.
  3. Select additional users whose permissions you want to export. To help you locate the users you want, you can:
    • Filter the list by entering a name in the box in the upper left corner. The system filters the list as you type.
    • Select all users by clicking Select All.
  4. Click EXPORT PERMISSIONS. Sierra creates the .csv file and saves it to the Downloads folder on your computer.
  1. After exporting the list, click cancel to close the export window or repeat this process to export an additional file.

Exported File Format

The exported file has the following format:

The image below shows a sample exported file:

Sample Output of User Permissions