Administering Global Workflows

Workflows are collections of Sierra functions that are assigned to Users. This function allows you to define each workflow and optionally assign those workflows to one or more users.

For a complete list of available functions, see Sierra Functions.

Creating Workflows

  1. Click Authorizations and Authentication Admin on the All Workflows menu.
  2. Click Workflows.
  4. Enter the Workflow Name and Menu Name in the textboxes.
  5. To assign functions to Workflows, do the following.
    • To add a function to the Workflow, use the mouse to drag the function from the Available functions list to the Assigned functions list.
    • To remove a function from the Workflow, use the mouse to drag the function from the Assigned functions list to the Available functions list.
  6. You can view a subset of the Workflows on either list by typing a pattern of three or more characters into the Filter list by typing here box.

  7. Click SAVE.

Editing Functions Included in Workflows

  1. Click Authorizations and Authentication Admin on the All Workflows menu.
  2. Click Workflows.
  3. Click the + to the left of a listed Workflow to expose the EDIT button.
  4. Click EDIT.
  5. Click the functions link if it not already selected.
  6. The system presents two parallel lists, one showing the functions currently included in the chosen Workflow and the other showing functions that are not included in the Workflow.
    • To add a function to the Workflow, use the mouse to drag the function from the Available functions list to the Assigned functions list.
    • To remove a function from the Workflow, use the mouse to drag the function from the Assigned functions list to the Available functions list.
  7. You can view a subset of the functions on either list by typing a pattern of three or more characters into the Filter list by typing here box.

  8. Click SAVE.

Editing Users Assigned to Workflows

  1. Click Authorizations and Authentication Admin on the All Workflows menu.
  2. Click Workflows.
  3. Click the + to the left of a listed Workflow to expose the EDIT button.
  4. Click EDIT.
  5. Click the users link if it not already selected.
  6. The system presents two parallel lists, one showing users authorized to access the chosen Workflow and the other showing users not authorized to access the chosen Workflow.
    • To add a user to the authorized list, use the mouse to drag the user from the Available users list to the Assigned users list.
    • To remove a user from the authorized list, use the mouse to drag the user from the Assigned users list to the Available users list.
  7. You can view a subset of the users on either list by typing a pattern of three or more characters into the Filter list by typing here box.

  8. Click SAVE.