Sierra Scheduler Job History

The Job History mode enables you to view the history of job runs. When you enter this mode, the system displays a list of jobs. You can sort the list according to any of the displayed columns by clicking on the column header.

The columns in the Job History table are:

Job Name
The name assigned to the job when it was created.
The date and time at which the job started.
The date and time at which the job finished.
The current status of the job - Running, Finished, Failed, or Limit Reached. (Limit Reached means that the maximum number of jobs that can run concurrently has been reached.)
Exit Status
The final status of the job. '0' means that the job successfully ran to completion, while '1' means that the job failed.

Viewing a Specific Job History

To view the job history:

  1. Choose the Job History mode.
  2. Select the job whose history you want to view.
  3. Choose the View button.