Viewing Logs in Encore Harvester

The Encore Harvester logs provide historical harvesting details from the past 30 days. This data allows you to troubleshoot harvesting issues, ensure scheduled harvests are running, and to determine whether changes were made as a result of harvesting runs.

To view the harvesting logs, do the following:

  1. In the Sierra Administration application, click Encore Harvester from the Other Web Applications group.
  2. Click Harvesting Logs from the options on the left-hand side of the screen. Sierra displays a list of the harvester profiles for which harvesting has occurred. For each profile, Sierra displays:
    • Name of the profile
    • Description
    • Repository name
    • Format
    • OAI set name
    • Date on which last changes were received. Note that this column might be blank after the initial harvesting. After you harvest again, Sierra adds a date to this column if that harvest results in changes being made to records.
  3. To view further details for a specific profile, click the profile name. Sierra displays the Runs ( <profile_name> ) tab. This tab includes the following information:
    • Run ID for the specific run
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Status
    • Identifiers Queued
    • Records Created
    • Records Updated
    • Records Deleted
    • Records Ignored
    • Error Message

    Note that Sierra updates the date and time for the Start Date and End Date based on your browser's time zone. This value could vary from the server's time zone.

  4. To access logs for a specific profile run, click the Logs link in the Action column for the run you want to view. Sierra displays the Logs tab. This tab displays a list of messages associated with a specific run. Message types which appear on this tab include:
INFO Informational messages relating to the following transactions:
  • Harvesting has started
  • OAI sets found in repository
  • Identifiers found with changes
  • Records found with changes
  • New records found
  • Harvesting finished
WARN Warning messages for inconsistencies encountered while harvesting.
ERROR Error message for exceptions or issues encountered while harvesting.
DEBUG Debugging messages which can contain information related to:
  • OAI connection information
  • OAI responses
  • OAI URL information
  • System information / processing

Note that only Innovative staff can run Encore Harvester in debugging mode. However, the messages display to all users.

  1. (Optional) From the Logs tab, you can do the following:
    • Limit the display by message type by selecting the box next to one or more message types and clicking Apply.
    • Search for a specific message by entering a search term in the box and clicking Apply. Note that Sierra only searches the Message column.