Define reading history behavior

This option specifies the level of functionality offered in the patron reading history functionality. The levels of functionality are:

Value Description
optin WebPAC will not collect the circulation history data for a patron until the patron chooses to "Opt In" to the function by clicking the link customized with the ICON_READING_HISTORY_OPTIN option. This is the default setting for this element of the patron reading history functionality. If Reading History is enabled (through the Retain patron reading history option), but this option is not defined, then patrons must opt in to Reading History.
optout WebPAC will collect circulation history data for all patrons until individual patrons choose to "Opt Out" of the function by clicking the link customized with the ICON_READING_HISTORY_OPTOUT option.
onnotshown WebPAC will collect circulation history data for all patrons, but patrons do not see any indication that this history is being collected, nor do patrons have access to their circulation history data. The My Reading History link does not appear for this setting.
onbyptype Patron types not listed in the Limit reading history behavior by patron types option cannot view or edit Reading History, no circulation history is retained for them and the My Reading History link will not appear when they log in. Patrons who are listed in the Limit reading history behavior by patron types option will not have their circulation history data collected until they choose to "Opt In" to the function by clicking the link customized with the ICON_READING_HISTORY_OPTIN option.

Circulation history data is collected for all patron types except for those listed in the Limit reading history behavior by patron types option until they choose to "Opt Out" of the function by clicking the link customized with the ICON_READING_HISTORY_OPTOUT option. Patrons who are listed in the Limit reading history behavior by patron types option cannot view or edit Reading History and the My Reading History link will not appear when they log in.


After configuring or changing this option, you must restart WebPAC and Circulation for those changes to take effect.