Holds: Additional patron fields to show in requests

Use this option to control whether additional variable-length fields from the patron record display and print with a patron request (e.g., email address, alternate telephone number, etc.).

"NONE" is the default setting; it means that no additional fields display or print with patron requests.

Note that this option is not applicable at libraries that process patron requests automatically.

When you select this option, a screen similar to the following displays:

Holds: Additional patron fields to show in requests 
Current Fields: NONE 

Valid tags are: m,n,a,h,t,p,e,d,u,x,b,z,y 
Enter the field tags of the additional variable length fields from 
the patron record to display/print in the "Process patron requests" 
function (<RETURN> for none): _________________________ 

You set this option by entering, in any order, a comma-delimited string of valid field tags from the patron record. For example, to display and print the patron's email address and alternate telephone number on patron requests, select this option and enter the one-letter field tags associated with the email address and alternate telephone number.